1. The Woman in the Corner Office
She is passionate, ambitious, trustworthy and driven. She has a vision of herself and takes the steps to achieve it. She works hard, tackles difficult projects and that's why she deserves the corner office. She also deserves to be seen. The key piece of this out fit is that gorgeous blue dress with large peplum sleeves that take as much room as possible.2. The Office Social Butterfly
She is outgoing, charismatic and has an attractive personality. She's always planning something fun and tries to invite everyone she knows. She likes to get noticed and dresses that way too. The key piece to her outfit is that long, flowy, polka dot dress.3. The Go To Gal
The Go To Gal knows the office inside and out, and she is happy to help newbies out. She's friendly, handy and wants to help. Her outfit's key piece is the open front blazer, which gives off an open and amiable vibe.4. The Office Mom
Every office has an office mom. She is wise, loving and takes care of everyone. She may or may not be a mom outside of work, but in the office, she is everyone's emotional support. She prefers comfort over style, and her outfit's key piece is the very comfy wrap.5. The Techie
The techie is very, well, techie. She owns the newest gadgets, knows the latest apps, and talks a mile a minute. She's young, fresh and spunky, and loves all things nerdy. She doesn't quite fit the office environment but makes the best of it. Her outfits are more street wear than workwear but she gets away with it. The best thing about her outfit is that fabulous TUMI laptop bag, which fits an entire army of techie gear.[ End of Article ]
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