Reading Time: Approx. 5 minutes
Target Audience: Professionals, Professional Women, Women in Leadership Positions, Team Leaders

Success is scary.
Because it requires you to change your life. You will need to get out of your comfort zone, give up certain pleasures, and adopt new mindsets. The only way to achieve success is to master the skill of adapting to change. When you do, you will launch forward, conquer the impossible, and thrive like the leader you were meant to be.
So what are the mindsets that you need to achieve success? We've got just the list below.
7 Mindsets for Success (that Will Help You Thrive)
1. The Mindset of a Visionary
What will you be doing next year? In 10 years? After retirement?At the end of each time frame above, will you have achieved a certain position at your current company? Or, will you have started your own company? What about your personal life? Will you be married? Will you have children? If so, how many?
If you can't see far into the future, you can't succeed to your fullest potential. At this point, then, you want to reflect on your past, observe your present, and paint a vision of your successful and fulfilled future. Everyday, observe your activities, and notice what and who ignites your passion. Focus on current and past role models. Do you see yourself doing what they do?
Take your time. Explore all possibilities. However, be extremely intentional about finding that vision. And be brutally honest about what you must give up in order to make that vision come true.
Remember the saying: "where there is no vision, the people perish."
2. The Mindset of a Novelist
A vague vision isn't a vision. When you visualize the future, do it to the last detail, as if you are writing a novel. In fact, you really are writing a novel, in which you are the heroine.If you see a handsome yearly salary, write down exactly how much. If you see yourself marrying your dream guy, describe him to the last detail, including occupation, college education, and even height. If you see yourself owning a business, describe its products or services, the business name, tagline and logo, the clientele, and the unique selling proposition.
To get started, remove yourself from the day-to-day race, go to a quiet place, and write down the specifics of what you want to achieve and how you plan to achieved it.
3. The Mindset of a Motivational Speaker
You may be excited in the beginning but lose momentum over time. To keep yourself on track, become your own Motivational Speaker.Not sure how? Then think about who you will impact when your vision comes true, and why you own this vision in the first place. For example, if you envision yourself retiring comfortably, think of the burden you will save your children from having to take care of you. Or, if you create a thriving business, think of all the people you will employ and the opportunities you will create.
Know your "why". Revisit your "why". Let it motivate you to success.
4. The Mindset of a Planner
When you create a plan, you turn your dreams into reality. Start with concrete start and end dates, then fill in everything in between, including the skillsets you need, the roadmap, and the backup plan.Planning is your first step to taking action. When you take action, you are in the driver's seat. You decide whether you fail or succeed.
5. The Mindset of a Believer
Your beliefs are not just what you proclaim out loud. It is also what you truly feel inside.This internal belief defines who you are and what you are capable of. Publicly advertising that you can get a PH.D, run a marathon, or write a New York Times Bestseller, is different than truly believing that you can. In fact, if you believe in yourself, you needn't tell everyone else.
If you don't quite believe your abilities yet, you can start with diligent internal work. Daily exercises such as positive affirmations, journaling and creative visualizations are great tools to changing your belief mindset.
When you believe, you see. When you see, you take action. When you take action, you are half way there.
6. The Mindset of a World Class Athlete
You don't need to start training for the Olympics. You do need to adopt the self discipline of a world class athlete. Mastering something requires that you work routinely and with discipline. It requires you to create and follow daily habits, stay completely focused, and give up all distractions, even the pleasurable ones.If you want top-notch results, you start being world class.
7. The Mindset of Warrior
Warriors push forward. Always.When they fail, they learn and move forward. When they get hurt, they recover and move forward. When they get distracted, they re-focus and move forward. No matter what, no matter how fast or slow, they move forward.
Success is scary. We get it. But if you want to dominate the battlefield of success, you must be the brave warrior. Don't look back. Don't look left or right. Don't ruminate over past hurt and mistakes. Look straight ahead and keep soldiering on.
Products That Put You In A Mindset of Success
1) Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

2) 9 Laws of Success: Attract Health, Love, Life & Success To Your Life

3) Soul Success: Stories and lessons of female leaders who turned piles of sh*t into nuggets of gold

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