Top 6 Business Leadership Books of All Time
When you read, you learn; When you learn, you grow.No matter which phase of your leadership journey you are tackling right now, reading top leadership books of all time enables you to increase knowledge base, stay grounded, and find the motivation to push through hardship. Great leaders never stop learning. If you aim to be a great leader, and are constantly searching for ways to learn, then start with our all time favorites below:
1. Harvard Business Review Ultimate Box Set
Composed of the best HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW articles thus far on leadership, management and business, HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW'S ULTIMATE BOX SET tackles the concept of true power and authority in the modern business setting. With titles such as The Discipline of Building Character, The Human Side of Management, and The Manager’s Job: Folklore and Fact, these books benefit anyone with keen interest in self improvement, leadership and overall emotional intelligence.2. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek
In START WITH WHY, Author, Entrepreneur and Leadership Expert, Simon Sinek, explores the characteristics true leaders possess. He explains how knowing your "WHY" defines the underlying reason why some companies and individuals thrive and others don't, given that they hold the same pedigree, market advantage and likelihood to succeed. Sinek supports his idea by providing examples of the most influential leaders of all time, such as Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg and Mahatma Ghandi, and shows us how, by knowing and starting with their WHY's, these great leaders led their organizations and communities to social and economic triumph.3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Published in 1936, this TIMELESS CLASSIC has sold over 15 million copies around the world. Its simple and commonsensical teachings apply to all people who are open to changing their mindsets to a service-based thinking.4. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg and Nell Scovell
LEAN IN is arguably one of the best books for female leaders. Written by Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg, LEAN IN aims to motivate other women to ascend in the business world by courageously and unhesitatingly leaning in and grabbing opportunities.Sandberg encourages us to chase our biggest and most bodacious ambitions, because it is a God-given right to pursue our dreams. Even though society views women as the weaker gender, we don't have to comply to society's view, we must defy it. With a little audacity and by leaning in, in the boardroom, at the courthouse and just about anywhere we want, women can prove that we are as capable as men.
5. The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
Time is a thief that waits for no one. THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER protects you from that.In this swift read, you will find three practical techniques that makes time work for you. You will find one minute goals, one minute praising methods, one minute reprimands and other one minute actions that convey your intention clearly without bleeding into verbose conversations.
6. Delivering Happiness by Tony Hseih
DELIVERING HAPPINESS is a best-selling book written by former CEO of Zappos and LinkExhange and Harvard Grad, Tony Hseih.In DELIVERING HAPPINESS, Hseih leverages his own stories of success and failure to assert his belief that to succeed in the long run, leaders must put culture before profit, and put employees before shareholders. Because happy employees are the most productive, loyal and innovation; and they are the building blocks of a great organization.
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