5 Mompreneurs From Shark Tank
Five successful Mompreneurs who have worked with the Shark Tank team are Tanya Van Court, Lisa Marie D’Amato, Amanda Naqvi, Lori Lite and Suzanne Carter. These moms were able to juggle a career, raising children and making their business dreams a reality with the help of the panel on Shark Tank. It's not easy and they had to make all kinds of sacrifices. But these mompreneurs believed in their business ideas and were able to make lots of money with them.1. Lori Lite
Lori Lite is a momtreprenuer from Marietta, Georgia. She creates books that reduce anxiety and stress levels in young children and teens. The material teaches breathing techniques and other strategies for helping kids relax and get rid of stress. Lite created the materials out of necessity. Her 5-year old son had a problem with his hyperactivity. It left him stressed and it usually took hours each night to get him to sleep.A Special Bedtime Story
A parenting expert, social media strategist and freelance blogger, Lori Lite used her skill and knowledge of relaxation techniques to create a special bedtime story for her son. It had lines like: “Breathe in through your nose, 1, 2, 3. Breathe out from your nose, 1, 2, 3,”. It helped calm him and make sleep come easier. When her daughter began having sleep problems, Lite read her the stories too. And it worked. Lite realized she had a valuable resource that could help countless parents and children. She published the collection of bedtime stories as a hardcover book and offered an accompanying CD and marketed them herself. Her company Stress-Free Kids was born.
A Golden Opportunity
Lori Lite knew millions of families could benefit from a having a copy of Stress-Free Kids. She had a great product, but sales were slow and she was just barely breaking even. Then she got a golden opportunity. A chance to pitch her product to the team on Shark Tank. She was so nervous, her hands were shaking. After reading her book to calm down, she pitched her book to the sharks. They immediately recognized its value and commercial potential and Barbara Corcoran agreed to give Lori Lite $250 thousand for 50% of her business. Plus, she would help to market the book.
A Life Changing Experience
Going on Shark Tank was a life changing experience for Lori Lite. Practically overnight she went from struggling mompreneur to having Stress-Free Kids being sold nationwide. The book, CD and lesson plans are marketed to parents, teachers, yoga instructors, child life specialists, doctors, psychologists and therapists. Lori Lite’s books have won several awards and has been talked about in hundreds of publications.
2. Amanda Naqvi
Amanda Naqvi, a mother of three who lives in Connecticut is another successful Shark Tank mompreneur. Her company is called KudoBanz. Naqvi has created a fun, positive and educational way to improve her children's behavior, confidence and self-esteem using a wristband and fun and wacky attachable stickers. Naqvi's began creating her product when her son was three and she wanted a more positive way to shape his behavior than yelling, time-outs and other punishments. Her research taught her that rewarding good behavior has a positive effect on children.Creating A Sticker Chart
One solution she found was creating a sticker chart and rewarding him with a sticker each time he exhibited good behavior. Simple things like cleaning up after himself, being obedient and even trying new foods earned him a sticker. By rewarding him for doing the right things, their interactions became more positive. Less yelling, crying and punishment and more smiles and positive reinforcement for good behavior. But the sticker chart was on the wall at home. She couldn't reward him good behavior away from home. So she created a wristband on which she could put the stickers and called them Kudo Banz.
Home Environment Improved Exponentially
Amana Naqvi used the Kudo Banz with all 3 of her children and her family environment improved dramatically. It's a portable system, so it lets her reward her children in a way that's easy, fun and engaging when they are on the go. Kudo Banz helps you parent more positively and helps your children grow up believing in themselves and feeling confident in their ability to succeed. Amanda Naqvi always dreamed helping others and spreading positivity. With Kudo Banz, once she appeared on Shark Tank she has been able to help parents and children nationwide avoid those daily struggles.
A Little Extra Money
Amanda Naqvi started Kudo Banz to earn a little extra money online in her spare time. Now, the mompreneur and her whole family work on the business together to help share the power of positive reinforcement with parents and children everywhere.
3. Lisa Marie D’Amato
Lisa Marie D'Amato is another of the very successful mompreneurs from Shark Tank. An actress and former America's Next Top Model winner, D'Amato invented of the 'Ultimate' bib. The 5-in-1 food storage bib is designed to enhance convenience when travelling with babies and children. It's called Dare-You-Go! and the bib folds into an airtight food storage unit, catches fallen food to keep clothes clean and has built-in dividers that prevents food from mixing. It's dishwasher and microwave safe and even comes with its own spork. It's perfect for busy mothers on the go with babies or young children.A Major Investment
The Los Angeles, California resident and mother of two boys has invested over $250,000 in the development of this unique baby bib. It can be used as a bib, a bowl and a food container and she has a patent on the design. Before going on Shark Tank, she marketed the bibs for 3 months and generated over $100,000 in sales. She went on the show to get $350,000 for 10% equity in her company. Ultimately, the deal got her the $350,000, but $200,000 of it was a loan and $150,000 was an investment. However, she had to give up 35% equity in the company to get the deal done.
A Unique Product
Dare-u-Go! is a unique product designed to help children eat their food in an easier way while on the go. Once the child has eaten, any food that remains is sealed up in the bib. The bib has three sealed compartments to separate different types of food. It only costs $2.68 to produce each bib and it retails for $22.99 each. Parents love the Dare-You-Go! 'Bib Bowl'. Before going on Shark Tank, Lisa Marie D'Amato sold $23,000 worth in 30 days. Now, several different distributors are vying for the rights to distribute it.
The Huge Baby Products Market
Lisa Marie D'Amato's product taped into the multibillion dollar baby products market. But she is new to running a business. One shark agreed to give her the $350,000, but only if she takes her on as partner to add experience and stability. D'Amato agreed and got a deal for her company Dare-u-Go! from the Shark Tank.
4. Tanya Van Court
Tanya Van Court is a mompreneur who wants to help kids learn financial literacy and help prepare them to create a more stable financial future. To do that she created a smart savings app called Goalsetter. It lets kids have a free savings account to learn how to save towards their own financial goals in modern and smart ways. The app must be set up by a parent or someone one over 18 and linked to an active bank account. Kids then download the Goalsetter app on their mobile devices, set up any savings goals they want and start learning about how good the saving habit is for attaining their goals.Making Saving Fun And Easy
The Goalsetter app makes saving fun and easy for children of any age. It uses quizzes with memes and gifs to teach kids how and why to save and they earn more money if they successfully complete quizzes on the things they are taught about finance or keep track of how much they earn when they complete chores. Parents can monitor and control how children use the app, plus they can give the kids more ways to save. The Goalsetter app lets children visualize their savings while learning how saving just one dollar can add up to a large amount if they do it regularly and consistently over time.
The Cashola Card
As the child's savings and understanding of how money works grows, parents can give them more financial independence by ordering a Cashola Card for them. Just like regular debit cards, the Cashola Card lets users make purchases, but it doesn't let them make withdrawals at ATMs. Plus, children must pass a financial literacy quiz before they can spend any money. Parents can also put limits on how much their children can spend per month. Children can also be given GoalCards as gifts. They are like gift cards except the child can deposit and save it in their Goalsetter savings account.
No Funding From Shark Tank
Although the sharks were impressed by the Goalsetter app concept, none of them invested in former Nickelodeon digital strategist Tanya Van Court's business. However, after her appearance on the show, Mark Cuban, one of the sharks, agreed to help Van Court open a million Goalsetter app savings accounts and deposit $40 in each of them. The exposure she got on Shark Tank helped Tanya Van Court investments from NBAstars Chris Paul and Kevin Durant, Robert F. Smith, CEO of Vista Equity Partners and $4.5 million in seed funding. Mompreneur Tanya Van Court and the Goalsetter app that cultivates healthy financial habits in children is a Shark Tank success story.
5. Suzanne Carter
Suzanne Carter is another of the successful momrepreneurs from Shark Tank. Even though she never got on the show, the enthusiastic response she got from her 45 second pitch to Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington gave her the confidence to start her company, M.Y.O. Cosmetic Cases. Carter had worked as a corporate trainer for 20 years and was ready to do something new. One day while shopping for makeup and skin care products with her two teenage daughters, she noticed there were a lot of very good products, but no cases to put them in. Her two decades creating customized programs to help find and eliminate inefficiencies kicked in and she was inspired to create a new cosmetics case.Less Packaging To Carry Around
The average woman's makeup bag is large, unwieldy and filled with makeup in all kinds of packaging. Suzanne Carter's idea was to create a convenient, magnetic case women could carry with them everywhere, instead of lugging around their whole makeup bag. She did research at beauty products trade shows and conferences, but still wasn't sure that she had a viable idea. Then she got an opportunity to make a 45 second business pitch to Shark Tank veteran Kevin Harrington that changed her life. He loved her idea and her prototype and told her he felt her Make Your Own(M.Y.O.)Cosmetic Case was a concept that was commercially viable. That was all the inspiration Suzanne Carter needed to go into business.
Millions Of Dollars And Countless Awards
Vancouver, Canada based mompreneur Suzanne Carter and her company M.Y.O. Cosmetic Case has gone on to make millions of dollars and won numerous awards for their eco-conscious line of products. Her story is featured in hundreds of publication and serves as an inspiration to many moms who dream of starting businesses of their own.
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